Course satisfaction rate: 100%
The VCE teaching team of Austin Education is composed of VCE examiners, senior registered teachers in Victoria, doctor of mathematics, winners of Olympic mathematics competition and VCE champion. From 2017 to 2021, more than 400 students in Austin Education had a academic score of more than 40 points in Mathematics (mathematical methods and specialist math), and more than 20 students became the top of VCE in medium and high numbers (with a academic score of 50). The average academic score of VCE mathematics intensive class reached more than 43 points!
400 + students with a academic score of more than 40
20 + VCE champion in mathematics, full score
The average academic score of the whole class is more than 43
VCE math special courses
Comprehensive course matching
Annual courses precipitated for many years + special group courses with single point breakthrough = comprehensive improvement
VCE examiner grading
Extremely fine examination paper correction + no dead angle analysis, each question, each score = go straight to the heart of the matter
Targeted academic planning
Tailored learning plan + material exercises mock exam Butler logistics = wish you rise
Full stage high score class planning
Austin Education provides VCE full stage course planning for further mathematics, mathematical methods and specialist mathematics courses. Over the years, with the accumulation of Austin Education in VCE mathematics subjects for many years, combined with the planning of senior teachers, we have designed a course plan that can give the highest scores and help students establish a mathematical knowledge system. The planning includes three parts: in-depth learning and expansion of knowledge points, carefully designed after-school exercises and mock exam exercises. Each student is divided into classes according to their academic achievements and taught according to their aptitude, which can effectively improve the efficiency of students' classroom learning. Under the condition of moderately exceeding the progress of the school course, the overall course focuses on the training and intensive training for the examination of various subjects. This type of class can not only provide a good classroom atmosphere, but also give students more opportunities for learning and communication, so that students can improve together in a harmonious competitive environment.
Integrated assault project group
Austin education has prepared various special assault courses for students throughout the year. Students can choose the most suitable intensive classes according to their own weak links. At present, the mature courses that have been opened include: intensive lectures on mathematical methods probability, specialist mathematics indefinite integral, further mathematics finance, further mathematics data statistics, black-and-white CAS assault courses, etc. Precise guidance and special breakthrough can help students greatly improve their grades! According to statistics, in previous years, the average score of students who chose the intensive topic class in the examination department of the corresponding subject was more than 85%.
Holiday / pre exam sprint mock exam class
The bibliographic difficulty of VCE mathematics varies greatly. In order to better help students enter the examination state and adapt to the examination intensity, our professional science teacher team makes corresponding sets of mock exam every year in combination with the examination focus of that year. Our examination questions have been used in the college entrance examination for many times and are deeply loved by students over the years. Moreover, Austin's mock exam was also selected by many private schools in Victoria as the review paper for the college entrance examination, which was recognized by many schools. If you want to be handy in the exam, the holiday real simulation exam will take you to improve quickly.
VCE Mathematical Optional Subjects
The course includes internal sprint mock exam, and the prediction accuracy is more than 80%!
Further Math
It is chosen by many local students and has high requirements for English logic and understanding ability. In fact, it is not a simple subject. Due to the low overall difficulty, there will be a certain degree of score reduction when calculating ATAR scores. Students need to make decisions according to their own needs when choosing.
Mathematical Methods
It is a math subject that most students choose. The test is more difficult than the teaching, so if you want to get a high score or even a full score, you need to make some efforts. Generally, 5-6 points will be added. It is a hot topic in mathematics.
Specialist Math
It is the subject with the highest learning difficulty in the VCE stage and is the key subject of ATAR. It can add up to 12 points, and the full score reaches 55 points. For Chinese students with excellent mathematical foundation, high mathematics is undoubtedly the best choice.

Mathematics 数学-en